TJ, 62yo M, retired butcher. Dx: PDR 20/100 OD, OS @D, 20/80 OU, 2M OD & 1.25M OS @N
Goals: Drive again in WI, enjoy watching live hockey, baseball, go fishing, recognize people, read his meds bottles and insulin pump, read Cabella’s catalog, putz around fixing stuff at home.
Results: His near work wishlist was taken care of by both a 4X ClearImage Reading Microscope and a 2.2X Full Diameter telescope with a +8D reading cap. With the telescope/cap system he was able to see the blue eyes of his granddaughter on a phone video and could easily read his glucose monitor. For driving, a 2.2X Bioptic telescope system gave him 20/50 OD, OS, OU and he now is driving again with restrictions.
- see the blue eyes of his granddaughter on a phone video
- easily read his glucose monitor
- driving again with restrictions